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76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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I live at a bank!
So i went to verify my paypal to remove the spending limit. This will be quick, i thought.
My bank sucks and therefore is entitled to making my life SUCK.
I started the verification Wednesday, they sent the money to my account and (i assume) it arrived in 2-3 days, but I can't tell.
Like most people, I tried to save time, first by trying the online bank option. I went to signup and GUESS WHAT AGE YOU HAVE TO BE!?! I already have a checking account with WaMu, so why can't I have an OnLine account? I called to find out and THEY CLOSED MY FUCKING BANK ACCOUNT!!!! WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS WRONG WITH THEM?!?!?! they tried to make it up to me by attaching a savings account to my mom's account, but that just made things worse.
I tried to verify it a second time, but that was a mistake. I waited (again) for the money to arrive in my account, this time with even more irritating phone experiences. I called to check my account Via their (in the past) convenient phone operations.
The call started like it normally would, but when I went to access the account it asked for a WaMu Phoning Account Access Number, and do you know what? THEY NEVER GAVE ME ONE, THOSE HAVE NEVER EXISTED BEFORE THIS CALL!!! I guessed random assortments of my account number and/or social security number until i was directed to their fraud detector guy.
The guy started out okay, but he started to repeat my name back to me almost sarcastically (he would end every sentence with Mr.Cunningham, probably a practice to mock people who aren't me). When I got to the address confirmation I hit a problem, instead of reciting the information by heart, I was interrupted with the fact that I now don't live where I thought I did. So I tried every address I have lived at, none of them work. Exasperated, I read the address of the bank off of their website. CORRECT operantly.
So he let me access my information (to find out that the money hasn't arrived in my account, after 4 days) knowing in his heart that my address matched the one on his screen.
I figure that I should rob that bank while it is still my primary address.