I find the Wii hard to play when nobody else is around. It is a great party-console (like it's predecessor) but (like it's predecessor) it is really lacking in 1st person shooters and RPGs, hence my like for the PS3.

I know that the 360 has more 1st person shooters out than the PS3, and they are debatably better (I still hate halo), but knowing that all of the games on the 360 are likely to be on the PC (in a better form) makes me wonder how M$ sells the things. The bottom line: Xbox-360 is only appealing to PC-Gamers, and anybody who is a PC gamer already has a PC (which is FAR more capable than a 360), and why would a pc-gamer pay for an extra redundancy?

I have nothing against the Wii, though, and it is a great console when developers don't force WiiMote play (ala. Mortal Kombat Armageddon). If they could get some decent RPGs and developers that could build an intelligent FPS control system (any minor flaw is a major flaw on a Wii, Call of Duty) than it is going to be the definitive winner. But that is probably not going to happen (like it's predecessor). Than again, nintendo has ways of surprizing people.