Mar 20, 2007, 07:48 PM
kicked by console and banned !! thanks to que pla
Hi all,
well, I suppose this is the end of the road,
as <DA> strontium_d0g_kiss_my_axe I have been kicked from the sourceop server and banned by que pla.
Seems this player/admin will not accept any criticisim about his ability or inability,rather,to calm a situation down.
Well, this admin has lived up to his "I can be an asshole" by his actions and being very petty.
I hope que pla is very excited by this pettiness and will boast how grown up he is.
Ok, I sound bitter, but I did not swear,just talked back to this player who knows naq and of course I did not know que pla was admin.
Would it of made a difference if I did? Que pla did not help the situation at all, and infact inflamed the situation. He swore, not very helpful.
I just made my views clear.
Have players said worse things..yes and a big yes.
Did que opla check who I was before being kicked and banned...er no,a who is was not performed.
But que pla..well, bit of a over reaction,to say the least with the ban, and not saying I would be banned.
If this keeps on, well, every player who talks back to que pla will be kicked and banned.
Erm, so that seems a lot of players will be.
Will this ban be lifted?
Perhaps not and it is a shame I am not allowed to come back and so I am posting this message, as it seems que pla is not interested in being impartial, his word is law.