76561197984049413 Steam join date: Aug 2, 2006
Steam Level: 31
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Contest - Custom License Plate Ideas
I want a custom license plate, but I need some cool ideas. I'm looking for anything related to the Internet, Team Fortress 2, or just computers in general.
If I like your suggestion I will reward you with in game items. I don't know what yet, but it'll be more than just weapons.
Of course standards are:
Here are the rules. It has to follow North Carolina standards. It has to be available.
To test your submission, go to this site:
and submit the plate. It will let you know if it is already taken or not. It will also tell you how many spaces you have to use. You have 8 spaces. For example a comma "," counts as 1/2 a space.
An equal sign "=" counts as 1 space.