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because my bike consumes so much gas its outrageous. I had to stop using my longboard because that thing was a gas guzzler... seriously, all of the places that have the highest gas prices also have the highest pedestrian rates. If you can't afford gas, get off of your ass and walk...
and 20c isn't even a lot of money for gas, even if you had a twin 20gal tank, it is still only 8$ more. and even if your truck had to be filled every week (40gallons of gas a week is the upper extreme) than it is still only 406$ a year, which is less than 90% of insurance compainies would charge for a twin-tanked truck that only got 7-10mpg. a more average calculation:
car gets 20mpg
drive 5 miles to work and back, 6 days a week
that is about an extra 8$/year difference for every one-cent change.
So it really doesnt matter, when added to the 8200$ this person would be paying for gase each year anyway, which makes me wonder why they don't sell their car for 10-grand, buy a high-end quadricycle and mail it ACROSS THE WORLD AND BACK via. overnight-express every month and still save money.