Genesis games are acceptable as well.
Genesis games are acceptable as well.
Kaizo Mario Hack.
I was a commando you know.
Secret of Mana (SNES)
Mutant League Football (Genesis)
Mutant League Hockey (Genesis)
C2 Judgement Clay (SNES)
Assuming you don't mean networked multiplayer for most of these of course.
TMNT Turtles in Time
Battletoads Battlemaniacs
Super Mario Kart
Super Bomberman
Mortal Kombat 2 and 3
Secret Of Mana
Street Fighter 2
Contra 3
I was going to say Secret of Mana too.![]()
SunSet Riders: SNES
Only game I can think of ATM.![]()
Altered Beast
Streets of Rage 1
Entire Metal Slug series (neogeo)
Ohh god altered beast is the bomb with a friend, that game is like the only game I remember ever playing on sega. Street fighter 2 is also a great one that someone mentioned already, just mashing honda hands all day brings back memories.
SoR 1 is the best
2-3-4 are shit
I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms for like 6 months straight when i had an SNES...
mario kart