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Thread: Unusual Prices

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    Bukz's Avatar

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    Unusual Prices

    So I have 10 buds and some other random crap in my bp, but still can't afford a hat that I actually want to wear apparently. I'm always either 1-5 buds short. Even if I had 20 buds I'm sure people still wouldn't sell me a hat that I want. They would ask for 21 to 25 buds instead.

    Its amazing to me that $300+ offers for 1 virtual hat gets rejected so often in this market. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing, but I do know that the majority of people who own an unusual that I want, are greedy assholes. My apologies if I don't have 150 buds and a large budget of cash that I can invest into your pixels, and happen to 'lowball' you with what I do have.


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    well it depends, if your patient somethimes you can get good unusuals for 10buds+, just an example, i can get a sunbeams tyrant for 10 if im patient, or something like that, yes pixels are priced expensive but it goes with the supply and demand of the tf2 economy and just cuz someone with an expensive hat doesnt want to sell u there hat doesn't mean there assholes.

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    They are assholes because of the way they respond to offers from traders like me, not because they won't sell to me.

    I can't just put a bunch of money into it, even if I could I wouldn't want to. They usually freak out and more or less call you the scum of the earth for offering scraps on their diamond encrusted unusual hats.

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    so ur upset with the seller who calls u an asshole for lowballing....

    it seems that the solution is simple, dont lowball.

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    Don't offer on hats that I want, OK read you loud and clear.


    If they didn't want people to lowball, they would set a reserve price. But they won't do that, because that would make things less confusing for inexperienced buyers and would possibly hurt their chance of selling the hat at a ridiculous price and making tons of profit in 1 trade. Most unusual hat sellers are complete dicks to their potential buyers all because of their perceived value of the item which is almost always way higher than most people can/are willing to spend. They will curse you out if you offer 1 bud or more lower than their highly unreasonable buyout.

    I sincerely hope unusual hats start dropping like weapons so all these greedy fucks lose hundreds of dollars worth of items.

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    Re: Unusual Prices

    Quote Originally Posted by Bukz
    Its amazing to me that $300+ offers for 1 virtual hat gets rejected so often in this market. I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing, but I do know that the majority of people who own an unusual that I want, are greedy assholes. My apologies if I don't have 150 buds and a large budget of cash that I can invest into your pixels, and happen to 'lowball' you with what I do have.

    I thought you might actually have a reasonable point here, until I got to this. All it's saying is that you're mad you don't have a hat you like. Yeah, they're pixels, but these "pixels" are obviously valuable enough even to you that you're willing to invest this much money into them.

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    You're wrong, I'm mad because of the way these sellers treat their potential buyers. You can't honestly say to me that you have not met people you want to throat punch IRL because of the way they talk to you when trying to come to a deal on their unusual.

    Trading for unusuals isn't fun anymore, nobody is willing to be kind and honest anymore.

    I don't care if I ever get a nice unusual, because its just a fucking hat for a game. What I do care about is how people treat others, and from what I've witnessed and experienced recently, unusual hat sellers are the worst people to deal with in this market. Its like the majority of them have serious personality disorders.

    If 10 buds is basically everything I have, and I offer it to you for one of your items that I've taken an interest in, I expect a shred of courtesy when you decline because it is not enough. Maybe that is asking too much of children these days.

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    do they virtually take you to a virtual dinner before they virtually fuck you?

    do they use virtual lube at least?

    is it in your virtual anus?

    You know what's more annoying than sharkign and lowballing and scamming? these threads. this thread is stupid. trading is stupid. if you don't liek the deal go somewhere else. it's like shopping in real life.

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    You can't honestly say to me that you have not met people you want to throat punch IRL because of the way they talk to you when trying to come to a deal on their unusual.
    No ones denying that there are people like that around, BUT they will only rage at the potential buyer if he's lowballing. 99.999999% of the time the seller won't rage if ur a bud or 2 short, however if your 30+% off i can completely understand it. I've dealt with unusuals a lot, and the most annoying thing about trading unusuals is all the lowballers around.

    Also: It's even more annoying when its an experienced trader lowballs. Its one thing when someone whos new to unusuals and doesnt know the diff btwn burning and nb lowballs, but when someone with 10 buds lowballs, they just need to go and fuck themselves.

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    So you expect a decent no thank you answer when you offer 10 buds on a hat that's clearly worth more or has a higher c/o? Or do you think just coz your offer is 300$ its good enough to even get you a 600$ since they all are pixels? Face it, you lowballed or whatever and your offer got rejected and now you are crying here.

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