I'm not going to look for trouble so i'll just end this here with my last post because really you guys just don't have anything better to do but to troll me.
After reading the convo I think he has a hunger for cock
Nuh he's straight as a ruler
Nuh he's so unstraight that his dick is also crooked
I'm not going to look for trouble so i'll just end this here with my last post because really you guys just don't have anything better to do but to troll me.
SourceOP Trusted Seller | MCT ADMIN | DTC ADMIN(Besk tradin site 5eva l0l)
omg I just saw the poll at the top this post just got dumber
happens when you leave the tf2items section.Originally Posted by rawrnerozero
I'll keep that in mind next time -sigh-Originally Posted by Butane
SourceOP Trusted Seller | MCT ADMIN | DTC ADMIN(Besk tradin site 5eva l0l)
Is this what people in the items section are like? Im glad ive only ever been in there once, a long time ago.
People keep saying "general is dead i try and spice it up it boring" The reason for this is because everyone goes on the servers and talks about general shit, everyone knows talking on the server with your friends about general shit is more fun than typing it in thread.
oh man I haven't heard this song in a long time.Originally Posted by Sushimitzu
I don't just like birdies, I <3 them.Originally Posted by glouch