Apr 17, 2011, 01:34 AM
DAF_4B_OB not loading on gameservers unix server.
Not new at this, but this pluging isnt loading at all. Have the DAF folder in the correct place (in ./addons/) have the .VDF in the correct place (in ./addons/) . Have the .VDF pointing to the right place ("../hl2mp/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix") .
When attempting the plugin_load command line get the following error(s)...
02:16:30 plugin_load "../hl2mp/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix.so"
02:16:30 failed to dlopen /usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ error=/usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ undefined symbol: _Z12MathLib_Initfffibbbb
failed to dlopen /usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ error=/usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ undefined symbol: _Z12MathLib_Initfffibbbb
failed to dlopen /usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ error=/usr/local/games/hl2dm/XXXXXXX/ undefined symbol: _Z12MathLib_Initfffibbbb
Unable to load plugin "../hl2mp/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix.so"
Unable to load plugin "../hl2mp/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix.so"
NOTE: the XXXXXXX are just for security, the correct folder info is displayed when this message reports. All the errors relate to "undefined symbol: _Z12MathLib_Initfffibbbb"