I am at work and cant access the stream powered forums...but can access SoP forums. If they stream another update or publish a fix, can someone copy/paste the data here?
I am at work and cant access the stream powered forums...but can access SoP forums. If they stream another update or publish a fix, can someone copy/paste the data here?
Fix for what.
After the hatless update, many users are getting a 'load library' engine failure at TF2 launch. Some are reporting it on Portal as well. Some have used a work around at disabling muti-core support. Since you cant get into the game you would have to add a command to the launch options i would assume.
Cant troubleshoot myself till 5 pm est (at work)
Ibby, I see you on here...get some research going...lol
I'd like to say that this is an issue but it doesn't bother me much, what pisses me off is moronic tf2 players saying "see what happens when you do a hatless tf2 update, needs more hats ws;'bj[qodns [;kndp " Just stupid shit like that, plus valve has always broken something when they do a big update like this. I read that updating through windows and installing the new net4 and c++ updates have fixed it for some people so you can try that.
Will give it a go. I just reformatted and reinstalled xp sp3, so I am running somewhat barebone atm.
The first legit OS i buy in over 10 years (win 7 pro) and i lose the damn product key...lol.
So gonna try to add -matqueue_0? (cant recall ther exact spelling atm) to launch commands to kick to solo processor support.
Add c++ and net updates
this will set it true singlecore.
Code:mat_queue_mode "0" // def. "-2", The queue/thread mode the material system should use(options/video/advanced/ "Multicore Rendering"): // -2 = legacy default // -1 = default // 0 = synchronous single thread // 1 = queued single thread // 2 = queued multithreaded // This setting determines the threading mode the material system uses. // Value of 2 uses multi-threaded mode. Many users report performance // increases on multi-core systems when setting this variable to a value of 2. host_thread_mode "0" // def. "0", Run the host in threaded mode, (0 == off, 1 == if multicore, 2 == force) r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "0" // def. "0", r_threaded_particles "0" // def. "1", Determines whether the particle system is multi-threaded. This should be set to 1 on systems with multi-core CPUs. r_threaded_renderables "0" // def. "0", Determines whether part of the rendering system is multi-threaded. This can be set to 1 on systems with multi-core CPUs to potentially improve performance. r_queued_decals "0" // def. "0", Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled. on(1)/off(0) r_queued_post_processing "0" // def. "0", r_queued_ropes "0" // def. "1", cl_interp_threadmodeticks "0" // def. 0, Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set. 1 for better. 0 for stability. cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // Def. 0, Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones() cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0" // def. 0,
The mat_queue_mode command didnt work, at least not as a launch option (couldnt boot so couldnt drop into console). Looks like value kicked TF2 over to single core support by default...this allowed me to get in.
Clusterf***k fps drop seems worse than normal after this update...keeps up, I might have to go back to getting my ass kicked on the rotation servers...lol