Is it possible to ping a server that much that is crashes, reffering to source engine games like Team fortress 2 or Counter strike Source
Is it possible to ping a server that much that is crashes, reffering to source engine games like Team fortress 2 or Counter strike Source
You mean ddos a server by spamming it with ping requests? I guess if they don't have protection against it it's a maybe? I don't run source engine servers so I'm not quite sure. I mean I guess if you had some flimsy hardware or the requests were frequent enough it would work.
I was a commando you know.
I heard about those a long tim ago and heard they were very bad for server computer, pinging it so hard, crashing server any minute. I saw one last day on a server of my friends, his computer shut down due to the ping and lag ( it isnt a good computer )
Then he should install ddos protection.
I was a commando you know.
He has, but the point is that is there any such program known ( to intercept the DDoS attacks and give the attacker the ping)
I wouldn't know.
I was a commando you know.
Any network monitoring tool (wireshark, tcpdump, etc.) will show you the source address of incoming packets.
Most valve games actually already temporarily block incoming from your IP if you hit them too much from the Server Browser. The "View Info" for a server, you can hit the refresh if it's full so you can see if theres a slot available and the scores. If you mash that more than 10 times in like half a minute, it "Server Stopped Responding" for a while like 1 to 2 minutes on a cooldown. That /might/ be coded clientside though. I do know it ducks waves of info requests though. Using outside programs just pinging not sure if it will stop it though.