and btw, in laptops often dust piles up on the cooling block, maybe you could clean that out. (on the CPU)
and btw, in laptops often dust piles up on the cooling block, maybe you could clean that out. (on the CPU)
You almost shat bricks?
Sounds funny
On a side note, how long do you think a laptop will take to fully cool down? (While turned off)
Depends on ventilation of the room and the laptop. I wouldn't honestly know since I don't own a laptop. But if I had to guess I would say 30 minutes max.
I was a commando you know.
Ok thanks. I play games on the laptop for about 30 min and then I turn it off for about 1 hour so I will continue to do this until I get a cooling pad.Originally Posted by Snarf
Thank you everyone for your support, it was much appreciated.
Get something to monitor the temps of your cpu and gpu and when it starts to get to 90c+ you should probably quit, if it doesn't get higher than that you should be alright though it isn't good for the parts to stay that hot for long.
For cpu temps google around until you find something you like.
For gpu temps there is evga precision if you have a nvidia card if you don't Rivatuner I guess(never used it so).
I was a commando you know.
Thanks. I never knew that you could get programs to moniter the temp. I will be sure to use those, although I'm not using it that often, and if I do its only for 30 minutes to game, but when I'm browsing the web I use a shitty laptop from my school. The school gave out a free laptop to everyone in my year level (they are really shit, it lags when I try to play flash games)
Sorry to bump/revive this thread but Im pretty sure it was caused by a ddos attack. I have left my laptop on TF2 on an idle server for 4+ hours and when The BSOD happened I was only playing Minecraft (HURR DURR) for about 1 hour. So Im really confused.
Is there anyway to find out if it was?
It wasn't a DDOS or DOS attack.Originally Posted by CEILINGSPY1
Your router would have become saturated and been knocked offline well before a shitty network driver caused windows to BSOD.
As Snarf said earlier, the actual BSOD details would be useful in diagnosing the issue. Overheating is still the most likely culprit.
OK, thanks for that.Originally Posted by TheDopp