dude it looked good when i picked it off the shelf but omg its a 3 hour sequel to HL2, it totaly foreshadows the fall of the valve software empire
dude it looked good when i picked it off the shelf but omg its a 3 hour sequel to HL2, it totaly foreshadows the fall of the valve software empire
lol ok i wouldnt go that far. i think it was worth the price for a small taste of greatness. Remember it never claimed to be a full game....(i think STEAM forshawdows valves downfa;;)
ya ep1 was awesome
OH GOD, you payed almost $20 for a game and it wasnt as long as the other ones, which were $60...
if you died ALOT, hl2 took me about 11 hours...
i beat half life2 in probably 10 hrs