They're BASICALLY symmetrical, not EXACTLY symmetrical. The slats in the bridge roof are mirrored and not symmetrical, allowing different strategies from each side of the battlements for snipers. The trash in front of the bases make it for different abilities, like scouts using the FaN to get up on the battlements. The stack of rims just inside the BLU base stops heavies from hiding in that far corner while being above to move and spin up.Originally Posted by Hell-met
And yes, the RED base has a window hole on the battlements, while BLU has slats in the roof. BASICALLY symmetrical, but not EXACTLY symmetrical. As a matter of fact, having that window brings the map closer to symmetry, not further. Bringing up symmetry helps my case and hurts yours, not vice versa.
So all of that "safety" stuff was just a ruse?Originally Posted by Hell-met
Woah woah woah. I've *never* stated I'm a good guy. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty arrogant. I also feel I'm a good *enough* guy to not be harassed by an admin simply because he doesn't like me.Originally Posted by Hel-met
LOL! I've spent pages and pages providing evidence to support my theory of you singling me out. Exactly how much weight do you think it carries when you state you're going to single me out?Originally Posted by Hell-met
Because he would rat out a friend of his that happens to be an admin, over a single person even it was a legitimate complaint? I hope not.Originally Posted by Hell-met