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Thread: Banned: Consistently exploiting architectural flaws

  1. #71
    jerclay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    There's a reason all 5CP and CTF maps are symmetrical.
    They're BASICALLY symmetrical, not EXACTLY symmetrical. The slats in the bridge roof are mirrored and not symmetrical, allowing different strategies from each side of the battlements for snipers. The trash in front of the bases make it for different abilities, like scouts using the FaN to get up on the battlements. The stack of rims just inside the BLU base stops heavies from hiding in that far corner while being above to move and spin up.

    And yes, the RED base has a window hole on the battlements, while BLU has slats in the roof. BASICALLY symmetrical, but not EXACTLY symmetrical. As a matter of fact, having that window brings the map closer to symmetry, not further. Bringing up symmetry helps my case and hurts yours, not vice versa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    At this point it wouldn't exactly make much sense to allow this.
    So all of that "safety" stuff was just a ruse?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hel-met
    I see you're trying to prove you're the good guy in this matter.
    Woah woah woah. I've *never* stated I'm a good guy. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty arrogant. I also feel I'm a good *enough* guy to not be harassed by an admin simply because he doesn't like me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    But in the end, all your insisting only makes me remember to have a better eye on you ingame.
    LOL! I've spent pages and pages providing evidence to support my theory of you singling me out. Exactly how much weight do you think it carries when you state you're going to single me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    If you have a problem, PM DF.
    Because he would rat out a friend of his that happens to be an admin, over a single person even it was a legitimate complaint? I hope not.

  2. #72
    Kia's Avatar

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    What server do you have admin on Hell?

    I have to say for a temp ban this debate seems a little unnecessary. A 1 (or 10) day ban is short.

  3. #73
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    the ban itself is what was unnecessary
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  4. #74
    jerclay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kia
    I have to say for a temp ban this debate seems a little unnecessary. A 1 (or 10) day ban is short.
    I don't know why people keep persisting to think this is about the ban itself. This was never about me not playing. If I wanted to play, I could have simply used another account and kept my play generic enough to be unable to tell who it was.

    The issue at hand has always been because I believed it was personal and he used this as a lame excuse to carry out his personal agenda. Do we at least agree that IF I'm right - he really did carry his personal issues over to his admin duties - that this isn't over?

  5. #75
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jerclay
    Quote Originally Posted by Kia
    I have to say for a temp ban this debate seems a little unnecessary. A 1 (or 10) day ban is short.
    I don't know why people keep persisting to think this is about the ban itself. This was never about me not playing. If I wanted to play, I could have simply used another account and kept my play generic enough to be unable to tell who it was.

    The issue at hand has always been because I believed it was personal and he used this as a lame excuse to carry out his personal agenda. Do we at least agree that IF I'm right - he really did carry his personal issues over to his admin duties - that this isn't over?
    You still have no substantiation on that point, therefore I don't believe you and nobody but the most gullible of idiots would.

    Have a nice day with your zany conspiracy theories.

  6. #76
    ibby's Avatar

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    Different Admins are sensitive to different issues. Take me for example, I have a no tolerance policy on racism, be it someone new to the server or a regular with over 20 days of playtime. However, other admins have different methods on dealing with people who spew racist remarks. Some admins have a no tolerance policy on offensive sprays, something which I rarely ban for.

    This ban wasn't personal, Hell-met must not take a liking to people who take advantage of exploits in the game, and thus banned you for a SINGLE day. I do remember him discussing your case with me a while back as well, and if it was personal, he certainly would not have done that.

    I think you're just enjoying this drama. You try to get a rise out of people whenever you get the chance. You have a habit of whining/trash talking if someone kills you. And what was it you told a few months back when I asked you why you created an alternate account? "To grief snipers with more hlstats points than me/make them rage"

    I would take this more seriously if you didn't have such a bad attitude.

  7. #77
    jerclay's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    Different Admins are sensitive to different issues...
    Ignoring that while they don't have to match up, they should still be fairly consistent, I understand that. It's at least suspicious that his sensitivity has changed over the past few months, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    This ban wasn't personal, Hell-met must not take a liking to people who take advantage of exploits in the game, and thus banned you for a SINGLE day.
    Let's not forget, it was a fat-fingered SINGLE day, and was meant to be TEN days.

    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    I do remember him discussing your case with me a while back as well, and if it was personal, he certainly would not have done that.
    That's ridiculous. If I were an admin and wanted to go so far as to ban someone for personal reasons and get away with it, I'd see if my justification for doing so is backed up as well. I said he's dragging personal issues into his admin responsibilities, not stupid.

    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    I think you're just enjoying this drama.
    Please. You know what I'd enjoy more? Not being harassed for something that I've done for months without issue, in front of several admins including the one that banned me. Excluding methods to harass me that the average player has access to, anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    What was it you told a few months back when I asked you why you created an alternate account? "To grief snipers with more hlstats points than me/make them rage"
    So? I don't like snipers using the advantages 2fort gives them to sit back and pad their hlstat scores without advancing the game. That's the entire purpose of my sticky bombing - to squelch that type of play and push the game into CTF instead of an hlstat gain arena.

    I've personally asked if I can get my hlstats reset (you can't), so don't act as if this is something I have against simply people with more hlstat points than me. The reason I created the alt account is because of hlstat's mechanics in ripping more points from you as a new player. If you bother to check out my post history, you'd see I've asked to get hlstats to be taken off of the instaspawn 2fort server altogether, and that's the only server I consistently play with hlstats on it.

    You say you have a no tolerance policy on racism; let's use that as the example. Let's say someone was using some remark questionable that you didn't do anything about it for months. MONTHS, despite seeing it happen several times. You even ask other admins if there should be something done about it. When you finally come to a decision to no longer allow it, instead of telling the person don't do it anymore, you try to ban them for TEN days but fat-finger it to ONE day. That's not even a tad bit peculiar to you?

    That's rhetorical; I know you probably won't rat out a friend on these forums, especially for someone like me. I know I can annoy you, but that's why I stated earlier you're a good guy - you wouldn't let that annoyance trail over to your admin responsibilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    I would take this more seriously if you didn't have such a bad attitude.
    So are you stating because my attitude isn't good enough, it's not worthwhile to look into the evidence of my accusation, or that even if my accusation was true, you wouldn't care?

  8. #78
    jerclay's Avatar

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    Here's the thread I'm talking about:

    As you can see, I don't care about my hlxstats. I do care about the gameplay and how much hlxstats hinders it.

  9. #79
    sk8's Avatar

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    to me it does not look like an exploit but i can just see how annoying this can be, a warning should of been enough.

    hellmet you should go on the goldrush server and ban all the people that uses pipes over the walls on stage 3. THAT is more of an exploit than this.

  10. #80
    Adder's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sk8
    to me it does not look like an exploit but i can just see how annoying this can be, a warning should of been enough.

    hellmet you should go on the goldrush server and ban all the people that uses pipes over the walls on stage 3. THAT is more of an exploit than this.
    If he does that a third of the demoman population will be banned.

    On second thought do it.

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