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Originally Posted by
did you even read the thread? because whether or not it's an exploit is extremely debatable, and it doesnt give one team an advantage over the other since both teams have the same capability
I didn't feel I needed to read the full thread because I actually PLAY on 2fort and I actually understand the issue, and I agree that the subject is debatable. If you had read MY post you would have noted that in any debate the person who has the end-all authority as to the matter is the server administration. As son as they make their decision the matter is as good as closed and your opinion is invalid.

Originally Posted by
Oh please. I can't even begin to cover the gray area there.
Welcome to the world of politics and lawmaking. If you had any higher understanding of the matter you would realize that rules HAVE to be intentionally vague (while being clear at the same time) as to make them better fit every scenario. Rules aren't about being an end-all guide book giving you every scenario, they are to start out as a rough-cut guideline to be further defined by higher powers as situations arise.

Originally Posted by
You're indirectly proving how vague that statement is, and validated my concern that the reasoning for my ban was personal.
You are being egotistical to even think that you are important enough for Hell-met to ban you for 'personal reasons'. I am sure there are many (much more relevant) people way higher on a much longer list that would have been banned years ago if he were going to ban people just for not liking them.

Originally Posted by
For that matter, if Robin replies back that it's a legitimate use, will you concede you're wrong? Or is this just a one-way road?
Honestly, it would give you something to work with. If they said it was legitimate then it means that it is intentionally left in there by the game crew and probably wouldn't be considered an exploit.
And that begs the question: If he says that it isn't intended to be used that way would you gracefully back away when you received a permanent ban?

Originally Posted by
Because as OmegaZero_Alpha has exemplified, it isn't over. He's insisting that I should be permabanned for things other mods have stated is ok here. I was banned for one day, fine; that has NOTHING to do as to why this is kept up. It's still here becuase I could be permabanned for vague reasons, and OmegaZero_Alpha has proved it.
I didn't prove anything, I simply voiced my opinion. In all honesty even the banning admin was against it, too. I would say you had little to no chance of being permanently banned unless you went back onto the server and did this again.