Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
Your use of the term 'Service Packs' is stuck in the Microsoft world where if an OS release doesn't have a fancy name or date attached to it it must be a service pack. 10.6.4 is a service pack. 10.6 is a new OS over 10.5, with new functionality. It's the same basic kernel, and contains many of the same OS extensions 10.5 used, but the added functionality and stability is what you're purchasing. 10.6 may not have been such a huge leap as 10.5 was to 10.4, but was more than a bugfix collection.
Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
added functionality and stability is what you're purchasing
Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
bugfix collection.
Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
snow leopard

Also I would have read the rest of your post but I am posting from OSX snow leopard and can't see anything over the "The all-covering floating Help Viewer"

I also enjoy 7's unbroken contextual service menus.

I also liked how on my teachers Macbook it formatted his hard drive just for logging in. I guess it saved him the trouble of having to wait for ACTUAL hard drive failure before he smashed that turd over his knee.