im goin 2 try make all the spellin right and make this look nice
About a week ago, you might recall a period of 3 days, where my post count suddenly jumped about 150 posts.(I realise my timing might be off. the spamm period might have been 3 days or 3 weeks ago for all i know. I cant keep track of time well. I realize that I could find those exact dates where i spammed by researching these forums but i dont feel like taking the time) Here are some reasons why i spammed in that period of time.
Sourceop died
I was bored,home alone,no job,friends were away or busy,my PC was on the fritz, which means no games online or single player,I have played all of my PSP games too much and was bored of them
I had absolutely nothing to do other than walk my dogs, and do some chores for my mom when her friends from work would come over.
Then I remembered these forums and a section labeled general chat micellaneuos, and thought "hey maybe i can start up some coversations with some ppl, to get me through this hard time.(I also posted on other sections whenever i thought of something that might start a conversation with sumone here or just post a link to something i enjoyed)I remember those times. I remember being so bored, i would often sit on the couch, skipping through channels trying to find inspiration for my next post on awhile, ppl told me my god stop posting, your spamming etc...At first i thought it was nonsense, but then i would visit the forums and see my name on just about every topic and i would reread my posts realizing omg what was i thinking, that has absolutely no relevance to this topic or omg how stupid i must look.
Ever since then I have gone back to a normal posting routine,and i have not spammed but only twice in the last week since those boring days. So i would deeply aprreciate it if you guyz would get off my back about spamming. I spammed these forums. Im sorry that i just wanted to make some freindly chat with ppl. Think about it. Why do you think most spammers spam? To just be a pest? No they just want to chat. I realize that i could have just IM for chatting since that is what it is for, but again i restate that my friends were away, and though these forums list the IM of many of its members, I figured that you would think I was weird or something for randomly asking for your IM. I mean you dont know me that well. I could be a sexual predator.(though im not)So i decided to CHAT on the forums in the section labeled general CHAT.It only made since. Is it really so bad that i wanted to chat with you guyz on these forums. Im sorry for really wanting to talk 2 some ppl. I made very few spam posts that were absolutely random, and stupid,though i admit i did make posts of this nature.Also I would like to take this time to apologize to Pandragon_ Exile for the insults i delt him.I want to these forums to be a pressure free and friendly place, i dont need any enemies here.Also this is very hard for me to do Pandragon especially after your last post where you blatantly called me stupid, so i ask that you pandragon_exile do not respond to this thread with any sarcastic or insulting remarks. That would benefit neither of us in any way.