nopeOriginally Posted by Drunken_F00l
nopeOriginally Posted by Drunken_F00l
Kaylee got platinum placement. WTB Silver league friend.
Also which one of you is Dominic S.?
df and I are at top of gold league right now though, hopefully can move to platinum soon
Where do I get the benefits?
Did no one else get this game? It's guaranteed entertainment if you play with me, if you think I rage in TF2 you have no idea.
I'm thinking of getting it, but hows the multiplayer? Is everyone super good? I remember playing WC3 once online and getting owned and the other dude was like "uninstall the game nub". Ever since then, I've been wary of playing RTS games online :s
The multiplayer is good. It will put you with other players who are roughly your skill level.
Originally Posted by Adder
Originally Posted by Adder
What if your skill level is "intentionally bad 60% of the time and then amazing 20% of the time"?Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
I thought about this actually. Starting a new account so I could get in the copper league and then just all of a sudden start owning noobs. Or maybe harassing them, like placing 200 hundred supply worth of marines all spread out over the map.
Arrange your rushes so it makes a big pȇnis on their minimaps.Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l