Hello, I don't know if this is the right section to post but here we go.
I recently spent some time searching for a program that would notify me if I lost internet connection because my internet is a little bit unstable so it would clearly help.
Unfortunately I didn't find any program so now I'm trying my luck here. I know DF is an awesome coder and I bet some one else on these forums knows how to do it so I want to request a program that shows me when I lose connection about every 500/400/300 milliseconds with as small CPU usage as possible.
I would like to have it like a windows gadget or just a .exe file that has a green light when I got internet and a red light when I lose it also if you could make this so I could use it when playing TF2 without windowed mode I would be very grateful.
tl;dr I need a program that shows me when I lose my internet connection.
If you don't think this is possible please tell me.