I wasn't good with computer how did this happen.
I wasn't good with computer how did this happen.
The year was 1997, the game was Ultima Online on the Baja server. I had to come up with a character name for a character so I could play, I looked at the TV and saw Howey Mendel on TV, and I was drinking some coffee and my cup said something on it, not sure what the whole word was, it was at a friends but it said 'rand' at least that was all I could see. Anyways, I ended up using the name 'Mendel Rand'.
I know that does not fit my name.. the boring story continues.
Well, a couple months later, I decide I am going to buy my own account instead of using my friends. That means I can't use my old name, I have to pick something new. I start thinking of names, wanted to pick something hard to type so that if anyone wanted to /msg me they would have trouble ( since I was a PK ) and I decided to go with, Ethrilord Erewan. Everyone I knew just called me EE and well that is the story.
When I was about 8, me, my brother and my friend watched the movie "Navy SEALs" every day for the entire summer. I thought Charlie Sheen's hotshot character was so cool that when I created a username at online SEAL community message board, I went with Hawkens. Stuck around ever since. Awesome movie by the way.
A nickname my grandad called me when I was 3.
I came across this networking term in an IT class a few years back.
i was watching porn
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
My NickName was totally random
now for all you lads saying you've used the same nick forever on everything, start googling around and see how many little puzzle pieces you can locate. Profiles on music/social sites, forums, etc... gather birthdays, real names/initials, locations... sometimes people even link from one profile to another site's profile where they used a different alias... just keep searching with the new information you find. it's rather disturbing how much you can piece together on some people in about 10 minutes.
as with most things that I've done beyond the last year - I don't recall the reasons.
i am not david robinson (as far as i know, also ~!SPORTS!~)
i am not in the navy (no village people jokes plz)
i don't know when the Mr. became a part of this.
apparently i am wealth of knowledge about myself
also i was told i should just change my name to NOMNOMNOM and most people on #1 would still know it was me.