Another Twisted Metal fan? Yay, wasn't expecting anyone here to remember or appreciate that game.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Another Twisted Metal fan? Yay, wasn't expecting anyone here to remember or appreciate that game.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha Posted by ibby
3 and 4 were the best though sweet tooths car in 4 cheated.
I was a commando you know.
I liked the one where you could blow up the Eiffel tower with remote charges. Would 1 shot anyone. Think it was #2.
2 was by far the best for the PSX.Originally Posted by jwstohr
Then they laid off the original team until Twisted Metal Black.
Amen. 1 and 2 were my childhood.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
I was a fan of blowing up the north pole myself.
I always liked the one Twisted Metal-esque involving tourists and blowing up the earth at some stage. What was that one again?
that was rogue trip, vigilante 8 was also quite a nice one. All very good games.
Never thought we'd see a new Twisted Metal game. I'm looking forward to it.
Loved the first few Twisted Metal games, a new one made me excited.
Here's hoping they don't end up fucking this up?