just wondering becuz every since sop died every time im playin dm its against ppl i dont know and its getting old,wat games/servers do yall play on??IP's????
just wondering becuz every since sop died every time im playin dm its against ppl i dont know and its getting old,wat games/servers do yall play on??IP's????
Ragnarok Online its a fun game, that title is a hyperlink to their website, yo ucan google it, though.
wat type of game is it?
i like to play battlefield 2 and starwars: empire at war
oh and runescape is a good distraction
i tried runescape and it put me 2 sleep
dude i spent like 18 hours a day for like three months playing runescape
it put me 2 sleep in less than 5 minutes lol.
Runescape put me to sleep also... one of the most boring games to me.. =/
But um I play Battlefield 2, World of Warcraft, Farcray, CoD 2, ut2k4, and Neocron.
umm can you give me some insight to this gameOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
at first glance it remindes me of harvest moon
and the only family dynamics simulator you will ever se me play is The Sims 2
okay, there are practically no family dynamics in this game. i think you can adopt people, but that can take years to do as it costs horrific ammounts of money and ungodly ammounts of time. and you would need a spouse, and that costs a cool mil...
i play it because it is a simple, fun, easy to play game with just enough complexity to make it worthwhille.