The e-mail account was locked and verified through Steam, so I'm wondering if it was a dual hack of both accounts.
Drunken, do you really think I'm that dumb? lol
The e-mail account was locked and verified through Steam, so I'm wondering if it was a dual hack of both accounts.
Drunken, do you really think I'm that dumb? lol
All they would need is the email to hack your steam.
They probably just still have control of your email account from last time.
Changed it since last time.
They can have control of it and still make it look like they don't.Originally Posted by Hawkens85
Control of the e-mail account or the Steam account? I changed the e-mail account since the last time.
Both, if your computer has a trojan.
make sure that all the security is correct on your email too, in case they set a secondary email to recover the password at. with things like this you really have to go from the ground up.
securing local computer first (virus scans, firewalls ect)
next your online identity (your email, anything thats connected to your email in any possible way)
and finally ending with anything that sits atop the little online identity youve built (forum logins, game logins, pretty much anything you can click 'forgot password' on and have it sent to email)
pretty much exactly what oza's been telling you
I guess no one full read the first post.
yep, just really no way to make his life miserable
Yeah in information warfare you can't really do anything when somebody has the drop on you and already has what they want from you.