onimusha games all look too repetitive to be played by me, like halo. halo/2 is only one gameplay element "get a big gun and shoot everything". same with onimusha, exept in onimusha its "see how long it takes you to wear out that square button"
onimusha games all look too repetitive to be played by me, like halo. halo/2 is only one gameplay element "get a big gun and shoot everything". same with onimusha, exept in onimusha its "see how long it takes you to wear out that square button"
oh u need 2 play halo2 b4 u say its repetitive, the vehicles, good AI makes every kill satisfying
i have played halo2, but its like doom3, its really good for the first few levels, but after that theyve already thrown all of their new gameplay elements at you, but they stretch it out for another 10 levels anyway. im not trying to say its a horrible game taht is completely unplayable, im just trying to say that it is extremely overrated.
yeh i agree its overated but much better then doom3 though ima big doom fan and this makes me kidneys hurt 2 say that anything is better than doom but its true ouch oh god i think i have kidney stones now![]()
yeah, i agree, at least halo had a plot, with one decent twist...
doom sure did scare the hell out of me
yeah, get my headset on high and the lights out, turn down the gamma on my computer and void my bowels
that it most certainly is...
onimusha is nothing like that
it has a great story(excluding onimusha 3 which i heard sucks)
aside from fighting there are also puzzles to solve
there are different weapons with diffrent styles
i would say that onimusha is a lot like resident evil(and there both made by capcom so don't be suprised)
the biggest diffrence between the first three onimusha games and the fourth is that the forth is more of an rpg than the others and the original plan of the creators was only to make three games
the fourth was a result of the popularity of the series
don't be suprised if more games are to come