I'm taking the class in Milwaukee Tai Chi center and recommend it to everyone. it helps you to stay balanced. Similar to yoga?
I'm taking the class in Milwaukee Tai Chi center and recommend it to everyone. it helps you to stay balanced. Similar to yoga?
Nothing like watching a good Tai Chi sparring tournament.
I have always wanted to see somebody try Tai Chi against a Krav Maga practitioner.
Coincidentally I like to watch people get slaughtered in one-sided fights.
I don't think it was ever intended as a legitimate fighting form. It's more of a system of training
then they shouldn't call it a martial artOriginally Posted by glouch
Sorry for the annoying music. Tai Chi application from a Russian master.Originally Posted by glouch
tai CHi Chen is the oldest and parent form of the five main tai chi chuan styles. It is third in terms of worldwide popularity compared to the other main taijiquan styles.
Keep up with the good news. Personally, after doing tai chi for 3 month I have no more leg pain.
girlfriend's been doing that yoga shit where you crank up the heater so the room is like 400 degrees and you sweat your balls off
she's way more flexible, which is a good thing
oh, and the soreness in her boobs and her back pain is gone too, but i think that's just because we spent 400 bucks on another abortion
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
That abortion was expensive. Ive made my gfs to pay for these. At least 3 times. I didnt want to have a crocodile in my familyOriginally Posted by WombRaider
Just in order to stay on the topic: