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  1. #1
    larz's Avatar

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    Neon Genesis Evangelion

    can sumone pleez explain the storyline of this action packed series. i enjoy watching it,but i dont hav a clue who wat when were and why, or wut the fuk is going on.y r giant squid things attacking them?y r they called angels?if sumone has spare time pleez answer this

  2. #2
    Naquadria's Avatar

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    Have you tried watching it from the beginning?

  3. #3
    pandragon_exile's Avatar

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    lol I remember watching it almost 10 years ago.
    Ok I've watched his series about 10 times from the beginning and I have no idea where to start. So I'll try to make it very short unless you request a longer version.
    Here's goes "Pandragon Exile's Version of Evangelion Storyline"

    -Background Information-
    1. The weak boy is the main character.
    2. His father is a genius but he's an asshole and he's extraordinary mean to his son. He also abandoned his son and after like 13 years, he called him to help him save the world.
    3. His mother died while his father was doing an synchronization test with her. She is absorbed into the robot or Eva, and whenever you see this robot thingy go mad/crazy/insane, you can assume that it's his mother who's doing all that.
    3. The pale face girl with white hair is a clone of his dead sister.
    4. The red haired girl is a tomboy from Russia and she likes guys who are older than her.
    5. Misato (damn I had to use name for this one) lost his father during First Impact.
    6. Kage (no other way to describe him accurately) fucks Misato towards the end of the series. He tries to recreate Third Impact.

    There are robots in this anime. They are controlled by selected humans, preferably young teens who haven't reached puberty yet. They go kill monsters that come from Mars or whatever. Anyway, at the end, everyone dies and only the weak boy and the red haired girl survive. I just summarized 30 hours of storyline.

    The moral of the story is "Get a robot and hide so that you can survive when big bad monsters come destorying the Earth"

    No I'm just kidding... above storyline is true but it's absolutely a dumb version. It's actually one of the most complicated and sophisticated anime on earth to this day. There's actually a thick book that explains things that happens in this anime and what they mean. I don't feel like writing everything I know. Just watch the anime like 10 times and get a book and study the anime and you will finally understand what it's all about. It's about life and death and the way humans bring destruction to themselves.

  4. #4
    larz's Avatar

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    ok ty pandragon i watch the show on adult swim and instead of renting the series or buying it i spend my little cash on video games

  5. #5
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    yeah, id read that, its about the only way your going to understand it. theres a YTMND about this...

  6. #6
    larz's Avatar

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    hmm i think i just saw the first episode just now on cartoon was called "angel attacks" or sumthing like this the first episode? the series seems pretty deep....but how can yall of watched the series 10 yrs ago when on my tv guide it says the episode was made in 2002....or is this just the date it came 2 america?anyways i guess i will just google the series one day, i really enjoy watching it when it is on.but just explain me this wat the hell is an eva exactly and how does it come 2 exist?arggg the worst show ever is coming on now"paranoia Agent"and also wtf is a YTMND?

  7. #7
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    its because in japan its a really old series with many movies and a retires cult following

    and the YTMND:

    and i think rei was shinjis mom, evas go crazy because they get bored and werent all that stable in the first place (and were just copies of angels or something, i dont know, i watched this as i was going to bed every night, i stopped paying attention when shinji started bitching...)

    and, Honestly, shinji should have jsut commited suicide. he never even contemplated it ffs.

  8. #8
    larz's Avatar

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    arggg answer my bloody question

  9. #9
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    omfg, definition time:

    1) Abbreviation for Your the man now dog!
    2) Funny website, I made some crap there.
    3)a website where you can create web pages that either have a still image or a looping gif, and a looping sound (mp3 or wav). The site itself isnt as great as newgrounds or anything, but its pretty good anyways. When a really cool or funny ytmnd page is created, sometimes it will start something known as a "fad". Some fads last as long as a year, or else they might only last a few days or weeks. The site has been running strong since 2001, and there are over 114,000 ytmnd pages already.
    4)A popular internetz website founded by Max Goldberg in 2001 using the domain, using the sound clip from Finding Forrester, a movie about a black kid and Sean Connery. This website quickly spiralled out of control and is currently a picture-sound-text based site where users make thousands upon thousands of fads. Some of the fads are good, most of the fads are absolutely overdone. The real goldmine is in the site, those not shown on the front page.
    5) a simple single-page website that is composed of a looping song and a single image that are intended to portray a single joke.

  10. #10
    larz's Avatar

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    omg oops now i feel like a retard.....i thought ur post "ur the man now dog" was a half life2 episode1 spoiler or sumthin so i was afraid 2 read it.........i didnt realize that that was what a YTMND was .anyhoo wats an eva and blah blah blah as stated in the earlier post?

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