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RIP bleach...
Yes, its official, cartoon network will be airing bleach (complete with shitty American voice-acting)
as most of you probably know cartoon network kills every good show they get their hands on by creating poser-iffic cult followings of them who make any fan look like them.
and of course if you confront one of these half-retarded cultists they are gonna be all like : "I DON'T WATCH IT BECAUSE ITS ON CARTOON NETWORK, I'VE BEEN READING IT FOR YEARS LOL?"
this also means that you cant download the manga legally anymore due to the fact that it has been published by an american company.
Whille im at it i would also like to point out how much american companies cheapen the anime experience. ANIME IS QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT IF YOU WATCH THE ORIGINAL. the American versions are the ones that are always being made fun of, and all of the American anime fans are always the ones subjected to stereotype. Do you know why? BECAUSE AMERICAN ANIME SUCKS MONKEY BALLS FOR SPARE CHANGE!!!
Fans of the original Japanese anime are usually undistinguishable between normal people, and thats because you don't have ultra-high pitched voices scrambling your brains...
my only fear is that ikkitousen will be next...