stop using myspace anyway...
stop using myspace anyway...
myspace is fun
myspace is the illigitamate bastard child of blogging and forums. the only people ive seen on there are idiot, emos and sex offenders
myspace is fun
quit dissing emos
i know some emos who would kill you
then cry
then blame it all on you
with out breaking a sweat
well lets just say ive had some bad experiences with former emo friends.
Down with myspace... >_>
wow this thread got hijacked...
yeah we sort of went off on a tangent
then went around the block a few times
then went crusing in the getto
then got lost in the getto, got shot 9 times
and finaly ended up in New Jersey
dude... i highly doubt that an emo could kill me, id just like throw them a Good Charlette CD and a pack of Xacto knives and they'd finish themselves off...
and the reason i hate emos is because of this formula right here:
Goth and gay are both social elements, but when those elements are mixed into a person they have these possibilities
Go3= goth
Go2Ga= gay goth
as you see, emos are only slightly less gay than actuall gay people people.
if showing emotion makes me gay then i don't want to be strait