unthink ur a dumbass. do sum mor reading b4 u post on 1of my threads again. play me ingame sumtime then see if u can still call me a noob.
unthink ur a dumbass. do sum mor reading b4 u post on 1of my threads again. play me ingame sumtime then see if u can still call me a noob.
ok sounds good. do you have xfire?Originally Posted by larz
edit: mine is lunaticcalm. If you dont have it then PM me with another messenger name
edit 2: ok good. im kinda busy. currently ranked #1 in fios
sory bout the namecalin unthink i pmed u. anyhoo so what kind of soundz can sop play?
i am a noob when it comes 2 moding and techical crap but not when it comes 2 playing the game,,,,,,[AN] is a gaming clan.....though i can understand how all the dumb ?'s i ask probably make me look like an oxymoron
I said you can play sounds with sourceop but we never released the sounds to the public yet. They're pretty cool though.
ok y wud the mani ppl ban me? also can i hav both sop and mani mods running on my server at sametime?(man i just saw the damage this update did with my own eyes, and its not a pretty sight, not a single sop server running)(the main sounds i wanna play are "dominating, godlike,wickedsick,unstoppable,multikill,etc.")and i want averts 2 pop up like on the JSC server
they would ban you because, as far as my experience with them has gone, they are somewhat intollerant. they will verbally attack, or ban you, just for asking a question that has been asked before, i dont know how they deal with 3rd party mods, so i was telling you not to be surprized if they arned approving of you speaking about SourceOP...
why does sourceop have all these cool, unreleased features? i end up having to implement these things(ie jetpack) on my own. Why to you hold off?
the reason we withold features is to protect you and your computer, if we subject you with that much awesomeness at once then you will surely recede into a vegitative state and... sorry that was cheesy.
its usually because of one of the reasons:
1. It doesnt work propery, can damage your computer, or is laggy.
2. It isnt easy to use withour training yet (can lead to 1)
3. We cant find a possible use for it at the time or it will damage gameplay.
its just so much easier to ask the question and get to chattin with ppl not 2 mention mor fun than goin 2 faq and trouble shooting crap,much of which i probably would not understand .but since thats the way those ppl r i will try not 2 ask any questions at all until i read all the posts,yuk thats gonna take awhile RETRIBUTION GO HERE IF U WANT KIK ASS SOUNDS 2 PLAY ON OUR SERVER!!!!!!! mani_admin_plugin.com