well finally ther r sum good games comin out for the little handheld i was getting worried....i hav had my psp now since 3 weeks after launch and was beginning 2 regret buying it, but now it seems that sony is learning the handheld world well. and they keep making great games like theri recent titles i dont think that nintendo will be the leader of the handheld market much longer. im sorry all u nintendo fanboys but the DS has nothing on the PSP.i think nintendo really regrets pissing off sony all those years ago.they created a monster not that im complaining..here are sum awsome i hav played on the system that i suggest u chek out if u hav a psp or ever plan on getting one
1.Daxter...this platformer has nice crisp ps1.9 graphics and is just as fun as the original jak and daxter games not to mention this game is mammoth.
2.Burnout legends.......a almost perfect port of the famed series except for in the graphics department.
3.Socom navy seals fire team bravo.......this game has all the balls of the console version and all the fun, not to mention online multiplayer all over the U.S. with up 2 16 players, not to mention that this game supports the use of a mic. sony has not expanded psp online to the rest of the world yet, i hope they do soon
4.Syphon Filter Dark mirror: this game fuking rox.its grusome and some of the best graphics on the psp. this game combines metal gear and splenter cell...ur enemies are very smart and unfortunately accurate in this game.u hav 2 use stealth tactics alot.i luv 2 creep up behind badies and stab them in the neck or shock them with the stun gun until they burst into flames screaming....suffice to say this game kiks major assthis also has online multiplayer