didnt see it the first time. awsome vid and thanks for the bump.
didnt see it the first time. awsome vid and thanks for the bump.
hl1's apache had rotating blades
you silly
Then didn't when you spawned them in AdminOP.
I don't think TFC had working npcs
what you spawned was a model/cycler
Yeah, it was a model. It flew sideways and you had to attach the propeller manually and it just stood there and floated around.
Will this thread ever truly die? Someone needs to burn the corpse.
I was a commando you know.
Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
No, that was me trying to make working helicopters out t_go
Which reminds me that items never really attached, so you just sort of had to put the propeller on top of the helicopter and make it fly in a parallel path... but if you tried to make it spin it turned into a huge fucking mess with the func_train because the game didn't really process moving entities that well.
The best option by far was just to fly your vehicle using the entgun.