my ping online usually hold at around 700 when playing a coop map. does anyone hav any idea what settings could be changed 2 mayb cut down the lagg
my ping online usually hold at around 700 when playing a coop map. does anyone hav any idea what settings could be changed 2 mayb cut down the lagg
i have noticed the same problem on the sourceOP sever
really when was that coop has always worked for me on DF's server
Some of the coop maps lag badly no matter how many people you have on your server. Most of the lagy ones have been taken off. The rest are just fun to play anyways. Thats why Svencoop is making the server only able to have like 4-8 max people to play cause it will keep down the lag. 20 people on a coop map or one not made well, will lag like hell.
ok so ret then coop is ok as long as set max plyr to 4-8. im curious naq which coop maps do u considr well made?
I guess that depends on how you define "well made". Most of the jsc maps are fun but I dont think there all well made. Docks is probably the best one. Teleport is good, Dock2 is good but only for making ramps and driving airboats. Well unless you get good crane people. There are a few others i guess also but I dont think there are any truely "well made" ones besides the 1st Docks.Originally Posted by larz
so i guess our mindset shud b "if we cant play docks then we cant play coop"?
ok your going to get lag on any coop server, unless you have some 40,000$ a month server. and Docks only really lags at the 1st part cause of all the zombies, so kill them quickly and see if it helps.
ok thanx again........does joe just not know how 2 make maps well.Is that y most of them are poorly made?
I Choose not to comment on that question