Okay, ive been thinking about this for a whille and ive decided to use my 200th post on my first request to become an administrator of SourceOP forums, SourceOP server and the AdminOP server.

i know this is a long shot, but i beleive that i am qualified. I have successfully run a long-term server for over a year, Ive been using adminop and making minor scripts for the half-life/source engine since late 2002. I can be eccentric at times but i am responsible and realize that i will have to watch what i say more as an admin (as opposed to a regular forum user/player)

along with these quallifications, i also use discression when playing on a server. I HAVE NEVER PERMANENTLY BANNED ANYWON, and i dont plan to on the sourceop/adminop server if i am promoted to admin. the most i have ever done was temporarily banned somewon until the other admins had the time to reveiw the situation.