i hate laggers
i mean have they ever played online before
there a certain unwriten rules
that i will now write
1. if you gona lagg then don't play
2. ^see above^
i hate laggers
i mean have they ever played online before
there a certain unwriten rules
that i will now write
1. if you gona lagg then don't play
2. ^see above^
lol i know naq would might consider this a spam post but i had 2 reply this is so true..let me add another rule 2 this
3.if u lagg then u ruin everyone elses fun so dont lagg.
hmm their shud an Anti-lagg clan lol
larz quit spamming in all these threads.. plz!
its the flame bucket this is where you post stuff like this
Yes its the flame bucket.. not the Spam bucket
mayb their shud b lag bucket hehe i hav an alias accout on exunited.com