Way before any of our time.Originally Posted by Butane
Way before any of our time.Originally Posted by Butane
Is there a way to delete "illiterate" from my previous post?
I have a theory: History repeats itself because we live in the Milky Way and it (Milky Way) is in circles.
Now take a look at these photos of unnecessary war and compare to what is going on now in Iraq. History repeats itself.
PS: Sorry for my bad English, I'm Russian.
Vietnam war was funny because the american public had an irrational hatred towards it and we lost because we pulled out.
I seem to remember the VC authorities admitting, about five years ago, we had them beat if we had stayed in one or two more years .
IS this what you are talking about?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Yes, The VietCong drew that picture ironically.
Not VietKong, Russian Krokodil.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
If you are interested there are more pacifist soviet era posters:
Dedicated to Vietnam:
And arab coutries:
Subject for study: Dry Humor.
Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
One dead Vietnamese was costing America $20000 dollars. 58,000 Americans were killed. The attack on Saigon was the failure. Act of intimidation - the destruction of Hanoi from the air failed because of high losses B-52.
The evacuation was the emergency.
I wasn't saying that it was an efficient or beautiful war, but withdrawing was a tactical mistake made by a politician who had no military sense.
Which is my biggest gripe about America: The head of our military is incompetent in military affairs. We need to go back to electing generals.