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Thread: Collateral Murder

  1. #61
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    Wow, you guys are fucking clueless.

    They were utilizing a style of reporting that essentially put them "off the grid."
    Some reporters follow armed military units around, some go rogue and follow around the enemy. These two reporters were following the enemy, and no one knew they were there.
    Q:What kind of reporter embeds himself with enemy forces and doesn't expect to be shot at?
    A: Only the retarded kind. They knew what they were getting themselves into.

    Let me remind you idiots that an Apache helicopter does not get deployed for shits and giggles. They were called in by friendly ground elements to neutralize an existing hostile threat. Men openly carrying AK's, in that neighborhood, on that date, were exactly the people the US Army were trying to kill. Those are exactly the people that these two reporters were hanging out with. In fact, it was that particular group that had engaged American troops earlier. In a place where the entire force of enemy combatants could, at a second glance, be identified as innocent civilians, you're not going to land the chopper, go up to them and ask to eat dinner with their families before you decide they are a threat. Someone said that none of them were armed. I think it was ibby. Get your eyes checked: I counted 2 AKs and an RPG when I watched it.

    Also, to you people sitting there in your comfy computer chairs with your 22 inch LCDs at max resolution: It's a lot easier to spot the difference on YouTube at 720x480, as opposed to being in a mobile platform looking at an MFD (multi-function display) with less than half that resolution. The MFD is half the size of your YouTube window with thick-ass scan lines. You can sit there and say "WOW OBVIOUS CAMERA!" but you've got no fucking clue how difficult it is to make the distinction between some retard peeking around the side of a building with a 3 foot long camera lens aimed right at you and an angry insurgent with an RPG preparing to blow you the fuck up. If you told me that he was carrying a Strela I wouldn't doubt it because that's exactly what it looks like.

    The unmarked van that approached later to assist same group; you don't know anything about it. You don't know who's inside it, you don't know what's inside it, you don't know if it was just called over or if it had been halfway across town and on its way to pick these people up. All you can see is a vehicle NOT marked with the internationally recognized red cross or red crescent symbols that would have identified it as a noncombatant, picking up wounded insurgents that had just been in contact with US forces before being engaged by gunships. Let these guys go and the next week they walk into a populated restaurant with explosives strapped to them intent on harming actual innocents.

    This video is taken completely out of context, and you all are mad for the wrong reasons. The only thing you guys should be angry about is the attempted cover up, because that's the only thing that went wrong. The rest of this is just sensationalist bullshit. You can sit there and pretend like you would have done something different all you want, but when it comes down to it, you're not a soldier in anything other than your super realistic Modern Warfare 2, and you'll never understand what combat is like until you've experienced it first hand.

  2. #62
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    +1 to all of that, WombRaider. Exactly what I thought when I watched it.

  3. #63
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    ok, you may say that you would shoot them all, you wasnt able to see if it was a camera or a gun, so why this fucking stupid excuse they said?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kleiner
    ok, you may say that you would shoot them all, you wasnt able to see if it was a camera or a gun, so why this fucking stupid excuse they said?
    That...brain hurt mine to read.

  5. #65
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kleiner
    ok, you may say that you would shoot them all, you wasnt able to see if it was a camera or a gun, so why this fucking stupid excuse they said?
    damned if you do damned if you don't.

    "Oops it was an accident we didn't mean to shoot those guys sorry!"

    or the current reaction

    "Cover up"

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adder

    Colbert interviews the dude that put the video up.

    Thought you guys might find this interesting.
    Adder's link sheds yet more light on the video release. Including that theres missing footage, some of the video was edited and that the apache helicopter was initially deployed due to a small arms fire nearby and they were patrolling to prevent the small arms fight from becoming larger and more deadly.

    Of course I dont defend the actions but after learning that, youd have to be crazy not to prevent people apparently carrying weapons from heading in the direction of a current firefight.

  7. #67
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    Ranma I posted that on the previous page.

  8. #68
    Ranma's Avatar

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    Ah missed it then, but yea go watch adders link! Edited for credit =)

  9. #69
    supercommierussian's Avatar

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    I just wanted to finish up this post with the insightful quote. It's quite disturbing for some folks, like AlphaOmegaZero, however, let me make a point.

    "Judge White said at the time, “We live in an age when people can do some good things and people can do some terrible things without accountability necessarily in a court of law.”"

  10. #70
    Adder's Avatar

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    I find it a little disturbing that people are more upset about some soldiers accidentally killing some reporters than about ethnic cleansing that goes on in Africa, which is exactly what Hitler was doing in Germany.

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