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How does triple buffering/pre-rendered frames harm the process OZA?
'Splain me, please.
Triple buffering and pre-rendering is essentially the same thing.
When you pre-render a frame you essentially have the CPU take an image of the scene it before the GPU renders it and then you store that frame in memory. This image is not updated as soon as it is taken.
When you have triple buffering it creates three buffers to pre-render frames, so the image you see could be three frames old creating input lag of up to 1/20 of a second.
Pre-rendering frames actually goes BEYOND the triple buffering and starts taking images to be rendered and storing as many as it is allowed to to smooth out gameplay. The default is three frames that are able to be pre-rendered, making your input lag up to 3/20ths of a second. Your card will only pre-render frames when you have a lower FPS (which is why I mentioned raising your FPS earlier)
This is VERY noticeable at higher DPI settings as every change in cursor movement (be it starting, stopping or changing direction) has to be rendered into this image.
So when you move your mouse it takes up to 3/20th of a second for your mouse to start moving. But it also has to take 3/20th of a second to stop your mouse cursor. When you have higher DPI it will continue moving and it has a lot more room for error when calculating how fast your cursor should be moving, so a lower DPI will be more accurate.
Now mouse acceleration is roughly a translation of how many pixels per dot you are moving, and we turn that up because it is more comfortable to move the mouse less, but making it less accurate in
When we TURN OFF Triple buffering and pre-rendering you are seeing the frames rendered in real time. Meaning the oldest that image is going to be is one frame. In this scenario the computer isn't trying to predict where your mouse is as much so it will be more accurate to use a higher DPI with a lower acceleration.
TL:DR: It renders the shit before you see it creating lag. The higher the DPI the more severe the errors created by this lag are.