Mar 31, 2010, 10:20 PM
PCI-E 2.0 card with 1.0
Last week the faithful PC crashed, sending my XFX 8600GT to never everland. All the 6.3v transistors popped (probably because of my overclocking), which sends me looking for a new card.
I am aware that PCI-E is cross-compatible most of the time (5770 won't work on PCI-E 1.0, some 1.0 cards on 2.0 boards get fried, etc), but I'm looking for something in the $100-$160 range that'll do me good. I'm running a Foxconn G33MO2 mobo which can handle a PCI-E 2.0 card, and I'm going to have to upgrade my PSU. Any recommendations to what you guys have, what problems you've had with cards/companies would be greatly appreciated.
Currently looking at a GTS 220 1GB
HD 5750
The internets thank you.