Last week the faithful PC crashed, sending my XFX 8600GT to never everland. All the 6.3v transistors popped (probably because of my overclocking), which sends me looking for a new card.

I am aware that PCI-E is cross-compatible most of the time (5770 won't work on PCI-E 1.0, some 1.0 cards on 2.0 boards get fried, etc), but I'm looking for something in the $100-$160 range that'll do me good. I'm running a Foxconn G33MO2 mobo which can handle a PCI-E 2.0 card, and I'm going to have to upgrade my PSU. Any recommendations to what you guys have, what problems you've had with cards/companies would be greatly appreciated.

Currently looking at a GTS 220 1GB

HD 5750

The internets thank you.