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Sdogg you play medic, so any trash talk you say comes out as "my dad can beat up your dad" and it makes you look like a tool.
I can't remember the last time I saw sk8 without a pet medic, so the irony is great.
Bumpy was being an obvious troll and you fell for it.
No one knows who snarf is.
All of you need to shut the hell up, if I was DF, forum bans would be imminent.
Less trolling and maybe more good conversation dealing with the servers that feature one map.
You guys ever wonder why are the All Maps regulars the only one's who communicate here on a consistent basis (although my post count has inflated since Bumpy came into my world). The answer of course is you can't mention Gold Rush or 2fort without All Maps posters pitching a fit.
I don't mind the trashing of a map (Turtle Fort). I really don't mind trashing certain game play (spam fest). But I think those two absolutely put their gigantic feet in their fricken mouths the moment they started proclaiming they could school Gold Rush regulars. I never once questioned the "talent" level of a Dumpy (and the rest of the all maps regulars) but he is pretty stupid if he thinks he can best a whole server full of people who play that map religiously. Gold Rush probably comes around 12 times on a given day at the All Maps server, we have played it THOUSANDS of times. The same could be said if we started laying down smack talk against the All Maps regulars concerning granery or some other map.
Medic is a class you need in order to win. I love to play it. Thankfully I heal a lot of "dads" who can get the job done.
I am ready to move past this. Much less fired up than yesterday but I definitely want anyone who becomes a fan of Sourceop 24/7 Gold Rush and decides to post here to feel welcome here. Right now those people are not (same with 2fort).