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We're looking for all the regulars to be evenly split amongst the two teams rather than all on the same time.
That happens more often (regulars on different teams) then this chart illustrates. However, those regulars who feel that they are in for an immense 2 1/2 hour battle and may not want one, leave. Many of them don't return. The list of those who do rejoin immediately is easy to obtain and possible action can be taken against them. One regular already stated that he will find another server to play with if he is forced to stay on a certain team (He said this to nobody). So once again, the issue is unless you can force someone to stay on a server and play on a specific teams then you will have imbalanced play at different times. I have played on all the servers and this happens on every one of them.
My time shows that I have played for 48 days (although my time is going to decrease) which means I am on a lot. I can play this game of team swapping when certain regulars leave (and some do swap) but in the end it doesn't balance play. All it could do is insure (on my end) that I get ticked off because I attempt to direct several who don't care about winning and would rather snipe (and give me a big STFU in the process). If that were the case, I have better things I should be doing with my time.
OmegaZero has been on a couple times the past month and I absolutely enjoyed gaming with him because he wants to follow the map objective. We could split up but I would prefer to play with more people who care about the map objective not less.
There is one other solution, DF, and that is get rid of hlstats. This will not entirely eliminate the imbalance issue but it will provide one less incentive. Of course, you current have a pro server that has no crits (and could have no hlstats) but is hardly ever populated. Even with the difference in time played on the server shown above, the server is still full.