buhuhu empty promises
remember when videogames didnt have free updates / new content and no one complained
buhuhu empty promises
remember when videogames didnt have free updates / new content and no one complained
System shock 2 had updates and a lot of "new content" through mods. And it wasn't a copy paste of the first one either.
+1Originally Posted by Hell-met
Had there have never been a L4D then L4D2 would be a sure thing. As it stands, it's a really good co-op based FPS with varied game modes and intense game play.
Where Valve screwed up a little was in making it a seperate game from L4D when it could have been a shoe in as an update/upgrade. When they've done in sliced the fan base in two; those who'll buy it and those who'll not.
At a significan discout it's definately worth shelling out the dough. Bare in mind that at some point all the Valve based Steam games will be playable on Macs and this collaborative style of play is esactly the sort of thing that Mac players will jump on.
In terms of time, it's not really a jump in-jump out game. Expect to run games for at least 1hour each. Though you can take or leave the continuation on to the next stage after the first round ends.
An update that adds more content than the original game, yeah sure.Originally Posted by Agro
I didn't say "free upgrade". If they'd made price of L4D2 half what L4D was set to and require L4D to already be installed they'd have got new fans and kept the original fans very happy.Originally Posted by Hell-met
The problem with the split is nothing to do with buying two packages, it's having friends sat in two different lobbies looking for games. If everyone was sat the same game's lobby then they woudn't feel like the original game had been completely shat on.
TF2Originally Posted by Hell-met
There was and still is nothing that has enticed me enough to purchase L4D2. I just never saw it fit for a 50 dollar price tag. If it came out and was 20 or even 30 I would have been more hyped to buy it. I guess it was due to gameplay vids that looked exactly like L4D1's gameplay. I didn't feel I got the most for my money with L4D so I had no intention on paying another 50 for what seemed like the same game. I'm sure they are things about L4D2 that make the game much different and maybe even more fun in some areas than L4D but it's always seemed like a rushed game.
Never the less, 25 dollars is not a bad deal though, if I didn't spend my last bit of money on FUEL, i probably would have got this.
glouch, you know who to believe. search your feelings. you know it to be true.
Didn't we go through this already when L4D(first one) went on sale for half price??