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Thread: Tell me I'm not the only happy Mac user

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    Whats a Macs Favourite TF2 class?

    Pyro, since they can only use W+M

    (because macs have one mouse button, ya know)

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Now I see a problem when Macs gain more than 20% of the market share after capturing a part of the gaming clique and everybody realizes that OSX is about the least secure operating systems there is.
    Apples are secure only through obscurity. As with Flash, they appear fast because they haven't been running security features.

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    This just in: Macs are still the least secure products on the market.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    This just in: Macs are still the least secure products on the market.
    A security issue with a router/nas suddenly makes just Macs less secure?
    A problem Apple should fix? Yes. A problem for users? To the handful of the population using an Apple router, in this configuration (which they had to enable), yes (mac or PC).

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    This just in: Macs are still the least secure products on the market.
    A security issue with a router/nas suddenly makes just Macs less secure?
    A problem Apple should fix? Yes. A problem for users? To the handful of the population using an Apple router, in this configuration (which they had to enable), yes (mac or PC).
    Its only a problem with apple's wireless. So it does make macs less secure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    This just in: Macs are still the least secure products on the market.
    A security issue with a router/nas suddenly makes just Macs less secure?
    A problem Apple should fix? Yes. A problem for users? To the handful of the population using an Apple router, in this configuration (which they had to enable), yes (mac or PC).
    Its only a problem with apple's wireless. So it does make macs less secure.
    Apples wireless routers and wireless NAS. Not their wireless adapters. And it's specific to which machine you target to be remotely accessible (rather, which one is port forwarded to, much like a dumb version of DMZ). This can be a mac or windows or linux box. Mac users may be more likely to buy one of the apple routers than windows users, however that doesn't mean it's mac security that's an issue.
    And since their products are more expensive (but include a fun streaming feature) the user base is even smaller. Anecdotally - my parents and friends use flashed wrt54g's, and I use a snapgear 570. The only person I've know that used an apple router used it behind his regular router as a bridge and wireless audio streaming device.
    Still an issue, just not with macs.

  6. #56
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    This is still going? I suppose if i couldn't play games on my computer i would argue and defend it for 11 days straight in a thread that goes absolutely nowhere.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp
    Apples wireless routers and wireless NAS. Not their wireless adapters. And it's specific to which machine you target to be remotely accessible (rather, which one is port forwarded to, much like a dumb version of DMZ). This can be a mac or windows or linux box. Mac users may be more likely to buy one of the apple routers than windows users, however that doesn't mean it's mac security that's an issue.
    And since their products are more expensive (but include a fun streaming feature) the user base is even smaller. Anecdotally - my parents and friends use flashed wrt54g's, and I use a snapgear 570. The only person I've know that used an apple router used it behind his regular router as a bridge and wireless audio streaming device.
    Still an issue, just not with macs.
    This is really dumb. Why would anybody buy an apple router for a windows machine?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snarf
    This is still going? I suppose if i couldn't play games on my computer i would argue and defend it for 11 days straight in a thread that goes absolutely nowhere.
    Games are for children. Grow up.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    This is really dumb. Why would anybody buy an apple router for a windows machine?
    Strictly Windows users almost surely wouldn't, but I know a few people who have a Windows desktop and a Macbook.

  9. #59
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    it sounds like a costly decision for a router that doesn't outperform the WRT series.

    But anyway: take it from someone unlucky enough to have used these products: Apple computers and devices are disposable trash and the company itself is disgusting. Hell, I have a brand new apple computer at my shop that has all sorts of fun problems unheard of on the average PC. At times, the MagSafe power adapter decides not to connect. The keyboard and trackpad only work when they feel like it after being woken from suspend. The wireless adapter disconnects or disappears at random. Sometimes the system turns on and hangs at a grey screen without the Apple logo.

    I used to have to deal with a friend's iPod, which was replaced three times after breaking under light to normal use. The dock cable also frayed and the replacement cable just stopped connecting a few days ago.

    But this isn't even mentioning the company itself: Chinese iPhone engineer Sun Danyong died due to Apple's overbearing culture of secrecy. A reporter for Reuters was assaulted at the hands of an Apple supplier. Apple was recently forced to admit that child laborers were employed to build their products. And a worker died after 49 others were diagnosed with severe toxic poisoning due to a solvent used in the manufacture of iPhones.

    Its not like we don't know this stuff when we buy their products. Apple is, after all, the company that fought repeatedly in court to hide the facts behind their exploding iPod batteries. Facts that could have informed the parents of the child severely injured when his iPod touch exploded and caught fire in his pocket.

    This is a shameful and disgusting record for any company, and it's one that deserves continued exposure. Who will Apple kill next? And why are they allowed to get away with it?

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