The iPad can't even run medium-load flash games.Originally Posted by Agro
Portal would shit it's bricks.
The iPad can't even run medium-load flash games.Originally Posted by Agro
Portal would shit it's bricks.
most cellphones cant either but that has never stopped developers from making really shitty ports to them.
Fixed. I thought there was no flash support for the ipad?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
Flash is dead according to Apple.
Looks like Portal 2 will be the first Mac based Steam game
-Roxio was $29 when customizing the Studio 15.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
-As I mentioned, there's a current $250 coupon on Dells site. Like for Like, remove it and your price is fixed.
-Dells Free Service? If you're talking about the free year of support, you get one year of Apple Care included on your macbook purchase. And if you want we can compare Dell service versus Apple - the gold standard of customer service goes to Apple every year.
-Bento is a database program. It's File Maker Pro lite. You don't use it to browse files/folders any more than you would use iMovie to browse files/folders. If you're trying to say Finder sucks, say Finder sucks. With Snow Leopard it doesn't suck nearly as much as the past though (but yes, it still sucks). And to imply Explorer is flawless is silly as well.
-Adding $29 to the mac price for a VGA adapter (the Studio 15 has VGA and HDMI out) brings the mac price up to $1179. The mac is also missing a card reader and a firewire port. Those are marks against it (the card reader isn't available via customizing, thus left off the price) sure. It's still not a 400 dollar price difference.
Or iPhone, or iPod Touch.Originally Posted by jwstohr
And crappy support on macs in general because of a silly limitation by Apple. Flash may be dying (though it doesn't seem like it), but its death isn't going to happen any time soon. It's short-sighted on Apple's part to ignore it.
That isn't a "COUPON" that is their "SAVINGS", as in an arbitrary number they calculate based on what it would cost you to build the thing out of spare parts from their store, and if you are too stupid to tell the difference then please leave. The price stays at 750$ because roxio is nowhere to be found on the customization page.Originally Posted by TheDopp
And I added Apple Care because it CHARGED for one year on the website, and One to One because Dell computers come with that free service.
Fine, then add bento because dells come with a free personal database.Originally Posted by TheDopp
If I am wrong tell me, but Bento has yet to be described to me in an intelligent manner. All it says on it's website is that inane shit macfags eat up.
Apple is only happy when they are able to control the whole end-to-end experience. This is why they are able to give a very sharp and fast experience to their loyal users; they are only coding for one CPU, one OS, etc. What they don't like is having to support or impliment code that other people have developed for a different platform. Namely Flash. Granted, flash hasn't been written very tightly. Microsoft have proven that a late comer alternative aplication, Silverlight, performs much better on lower end devices. The problem that Apple have skirted round is that you need a bit of power in your hardware to make flash perform well. When you have that, flash is a breeze, if you've skimped on hardware (either to keep costs down, battery life up, or in apple's case profits way up) then you're not going to be able to provide a true 21st centry web experience.Originally Posted by TheDopp
The Apple aproach to this is a little odd. They simply ommit it, and don't put anything in a replacement. More odd is their user base reaction to Apple's ommitance: ignoring the problem.
By simply ignoring flash they have been able to come up with some impressive devices, that sadly don't run 70% of the internet. I wince every morning on the train omw to work. I check to see how many downloads Kritzkast has had the previous day and I get a couple of numbers, but no graphs. Yet the page loads fast(ish), just not in a particularly useful way.
Browsing on the iPad looks even worse. Steve Jobs did a presentation of the iPad where all the world could see that they'd still not included support for flash. The Apple fan boys all glowed over the quick and slick browsing experience and the PC boys had to pull them to one side to point out that the iPad was fast as it wasn't actually rending the entire page, just the pretty pictures and the text. I have a 6 year old laptop running a pentium II that runs slick and fast if I disable flash.
So there's a couple of things here, flash is far more bulky than is needs to be to get the job done and Apple doesn't want to admit that their hardware isn't as cool as the rounded corners and reflected surfaces would have us all believe.
When Steve decided to take a stand and tell the world that Flash sux balls he took a big risk. Partly he did it because he wants them to make flash better so his appliances look better but in using such a poor choice if words (I don' think it was "sux balls", more like accusing them of being lazy and stupid) he's affectively put his middle finger up at Adobe. Adobe creates, Photoshop and Premiere and a host of other applications that all the media types that buy Apple products rely on to run their businesses and produce content. It's unlikely that Adobe would naw off their own arm and stop producing application for Apple, but if they did Apple would be well and truly shafted.
In an environment where Microsoft is gaining hearts and minds over Apple with Windows 7, Apple's act of producing a device for consuming the internet's content that doesn't support the way that content is supplied, and pissing off the people who control how that content is displayed and edited is little short of suicidal. I reallly think that this is the begining of the end for Apple.
Steve Jobs will retire soon, he has to. When he goes the whole media industry that has been feeding his dream will wake up and relealse how terribly foolish they have been and I don't see Apple being in exisitance for more than a few years after that. Certainly not in any recognisable way.
Sorry if that's all TL, you can skip to the middle paragraphs if you want and it's all still there.
Flash 10.1 + Nvidia Ion
Problem solved right there.