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Thread: I'm working on a fanfiction?

  1. #1
    Zaf's Avatar

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    I'm working on a fanfiction?

    I was bored and, inspired by a random one I saw on Facepunch, decided to start writing my own to see if anyone liked it.

    Here it is, as much as I can write in one night while working on other things.

    The unnerving silence gave way to a brilliant sunlight that reflected off of the Soldier's shining medal. He admired it with glee, running into the living quarters from the battlements, where the rest of the team conversed in the early morning. The Engineer was in the corner, scrawling on a blueprint as he ate his breakfast of a donut and coffee.  Noone looked up as the Soldier strode in, a somewhat chilling grin on his face.
    'Good morning, maggots...', he mumbled as he made his way to the refrigerator, breaking an egg into a glass and gulping it down. The Engineer responded with a 'Yep', the Demoman with a 'G'murhin' and the others said nothing. An hour passed, nothing of intrest happened until it was time to fight. The Announcer barked orders through the intercom, thirty seconds till battle. The team, now prepared and ready, lined up at the gates. The ominous silence that hung between the two sides broke apart into confused grunts. The doors to each spawn were stuck, jammed with what appeared to be a knife. The Announcer groaned, pressing a button inside of her booth. The gates exploded off of their hinges, clunking to the ground. Both teams charged out of the spawn, setting up their defences. Inside a tower, about thirty feet up, the Sniper took carful aim, firing a shot that bounced off of the Heavy's minigun. Sasha's barrel clunkeed, the bullet fitting snug between the barrel and the shaft, jamming it. A grin spread across the Heavy's face as he revved up the gun, confused when he heard a screeching noise. Before he could look down, another bullet flew into the Heavy's skill, killing him instantly. The Sniper grinned.
    'Better luck next time, mate-' Suddenly, he was aware of a creaking sound. The ladder was wood, the actual tower was metal. He gripped his SMG, firing a few shots down the ladder in hopes of hitting something. Nothing dropped, nothing screamed, nothing was there. He drudged back into position, as he grabbed his rifle again, a small prickle on his neck made him freeze. A cold, calm voice came from behind him.
    'Drop ze rifle, jarman.' The Sniper tossed the rifle away, stepping backwards to the ledge as he felt the blade on his neck pulled away. The Spy stood behind him, his revolver pointed lazily toward his chest.
    'Mate, I'm gunna shove this machete so far up yer' spook ars-' A loud crack emits from the tower, the revolver sending a bullet into the Sniper's chest that knocked him backwards out of the window. He landed with a squelch, blood spraying in all directions. Immediately, a Demoman was yelling jibberish and running toward the tower. His stickylauncher was missing, he'd have to use his grenade launcher. He took aim, firing a grenade into the side of the tower. The Spy was knocked into the wall by the blast, cloaking as he climbed quickly down the ladder after regaining his balance. The Demoman, thinking the threat had been silenced, climbed up. He saw a Revolver, a bottle of Jarate, and a rifle. Where were the two? He walked over to the window, eyeing the Pyro that now moved in the direction the Demoman had came from. The Pyro raised its hand, lifting a middle finger at the Demoman. He screamed.
    'That Pyrah's a bloodeh..holy mother.' He looked up, his yell changing to a whisper as he realized where his stickylauncher had gone. 8 pointy spheres were above him on the cieling. He barely had time to make an enraged yell before the Pyro pressed the button on the stickylauncher, the tower exploding into bits and peices. The Spy took off his disguise, changing to Demoman as the Sniper's body was covered in rubble and the Demoman's body was destroyed. He was bloody, he ran back to the main base and yelled.
    'Sniper..bloodeh..playin' with my bombs..blew oop!' He collapsed, the Medic rushing to his side with the medigun, cleaning him up a bit.
    ''s fine, Demoman..ze Sniper vas not right to touch weapons he couldn't use..' The Demoman nodded, trailing off of the Medic's speech in his mind as he walked away. Now that he was inside the Enemy base, he'd make the most of it.

    There's not going to be any heavy/medic gaylove like there is in alot of other fanfics..I want this to be a somewhat normal story with an actual plot and storyline.

    Comments? ;-; Suggestions? ;.;


  2. #2
    ibby's Avatar

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    Hello zaf

  3. #3
    Zaf's Avatar

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    Ibbies. :< I need COMMENTS.

  4. #4
    supercommierussian's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaf
    Ibbies. :< I need COMMENTS.
    here we go

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