Senior Member
76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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Dead... dead... dead... (edited)
Adminop is dead...
Natural selection is dieing...
Source op was never really alive in the first place...
I was gone for 3 days, came back hoping that i didnt miss out on anything big, and guess how many posts there were when i got back, ZERO, NONE WHATSOEVER. so i thought i might go play Natural Selection and have some fun there, but guess how many servers there were: 41!!!!! HOW IN THE HELL CAN YOU CALL THAT AN INTERNET COMMUNITY, FOURTY FREAKING ONE SERVERS!!!!
and there are only about 6 good adminop servers left, i cant run mine anymore, im permanently stuck behind a router now.
so everything that i do is dieing. EVERYTHING!!!!!
and do you know who i blame? EVERYBODY! all of the noobs that thought adminop was SOO COOL back in the WAN days, Valve for cramming steam down our throats and taking Dark Fox away from us (damnit Fox, where did you go!?) all of the admins of TFC that let their servers die and put their own royal perogative in front of the good of the community. Steam employees for being such assholes, DrunkenF00l for only working on Sourceop every 2 geological ages, Myself for not helping out enough and putting my skills to good enough use on the forums and on SourceOP...
SO one of three things will happen:
1. This post pisses off the admins and i get removed from the forums
2. I just stop posting
3. Something happens to revive SourceOp and i get to happily delete this post.
NOTE THAT THIS IS AN OLD POST, SOURCEOP NEVER DIED OR ATTEMPTED TO DIE, I WROTE THIS DURRING A SLOW TIME, (num.3 has occured but this thread is staying up to insignify somethin or some shit like that)