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in history any belief system was only about having power over people. There is no reason to believe in a "god", just because a bunch of ppl back in the stone age could not explain the world around them and blamed one or more "god(s)" for it so it wasn't unexplained. My parents where Catholic, and tried to "teach" me to belief in such, but at age 8 I was already strong/explicit atheist
Any such writings should be on the shelves along with other fairy tales, altho I don't see it as appropriate to tell from it at bedtime to children. Its a shame that ppl are deluded by it.
Meh, ppl smoked too much weed in the (far) east anyway, it grows there everywhere. Been there bunch of times, and ppl just pluck it along the road and put it in their tobacco (if any). No wonder they came up with strange stories, and other ppl believed it.
The question: why follow the believe system of atheism...
There is no "belief system" in regards to atheism. We just ask tho other way round... why believe in any deity, seen nuff nuttcases in my day that believed they where "something" in relation to a religion, to know that such existed back then also.
Not convinced? hmmz, go look up sects. Some got in the past quite big and still exist, one has even their own ground and laws in Rome etc.