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I'm agnostic, but I'll post anyway. I, like Snarf, put logic and reason above "faith". However, I do think that there is something that current science has yet to explain, but will once our scientific understanding grows. While I don't believe there's a magical sky man living in the clouds, I don't discount other logical, plausible and measurable, possibilities.
And since this will eventually devolve into a troll thread and will get moved to the flame bucket, lets get things started:
I also don't follow religious theory since it was designed to control an educate the idiot masses in things that should have been common sense at the time (e.g. don't eat shell fish or pork 2000 years ago since they'll probably kill you). Now that we have a firmer grasp of the natural world, religion probably should have evolved with that grasp.
Instead, according to a recent Gallup poll that they run every two years, 40% of Americans believe that the sky man created man in it's present form in the last ~10,000 years, and the theory of evolution is wrong. 38% believe that evolution is possible, but that the sky man is actually guiding it along.