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It's especially despicable to oppose teaching science like evolution. If there were a god, wouldn't it want you to study and learn about all this awesome shit it created?
It was Galileo who said, "I cannot believe that the God who gave us a brain would not let us use it to reason." Or something like that. Well spoken.
Peeps, move past the evolution/creation debacle. Atheists need to find some other ammo rather flogging that dead horse all the time.
well, that dead horse is actually the whole real difference between 'm. atheists think they are alive due some random luck. Theists believe some deity created man, earth, sun, milky-way, universe etc. The deity created all that, and is going to judge us for all our actions, thoughts and whatever from moment from conception to death, and then its not over, we are to await judgment after death, and if deemed "ok" we are to worship him for eternity... seems pretty fucked to me. Then again there are ppl telling exactly what this deity has in store for them, claim to know exactly what it wants from us, but cannot tell "how" they know. Seems a very straightforward way of gaining power over ppl, and sadly, it works. So, when the theists get to their senses, they are no longer theists, till then they are too blind to see any form of real truth. and that ends up with very coloured "scientists" that try to explain everything away by that their deity has steered or created it.
Now, for the "theorem" of the evolution being "steered" that would mean that the deity is actively taking part in anything that happens... that includes people's nature etc. But it also means that that still happens to this day, including on ppl. Any "judgment" on that would mean that ppl where steered into it and then get some judgment of which they where just victim to? Its just plain dictatorship then.
Apply Occam's razor on it.