Old man is nuts.
but good on him for handling his business.
Old man is nuts.
but good on him for handling his business.
Viewing him on the youtube. He was a murderer.
Edit: For clarity, I thought I'd add that I'm just quoting lines from the interview.
old dude held his own, lol surprisingly good video
LOOLOLLLLLLL black guy got PWNED!!!![]()
THere is already an animation about it
As soon as people talk that much shit then get in your face with their guard down rofl time for the old school jab,straight left,and a right hook or a oogd elbow if it gets into close quarters.Say goodnight stupid shit talking asshat.I love people who flap their mouth like that when its already set in my head fights on why talk ??
Oh rofl after watching the full vid then commenting.He gave him a chance by moving seats.When that dipshit got close he threw some nice combos rofl.Lots of people are one punch fighters you make that one stupid punch miss then rapid fire comobos like he did haha.Most people never get a chance at a 2nd punch if combos are thrown correctly.